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Welcome to Wyoming


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
While checking out at our favorite restaurant in Laramie the gal at the register said "The last time you were in here, after you paid and left the woman sitting behind you came to the register and said 'Did you notice that man that just left was carrying a gun' I said yea".

The woman said "Is that normal around here"? and she said "It's not uncommon".

The woman said "Well; we're from Kalifornia and you just don't see that sort of thing there".

I told her if it happens again say "Welcome to Free America; enjoy your visit", she just laughed and said "I really don't see what the big deal is, it's not like criminals are going to run around openly carrying holstered guns".

AHHH; life in Free America!


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
The fun part of all that is the fact that Laramie is a very "liberal" place, and not nearly as gun friendly as most of the rest of the state... except Cheyenne and Casper now, of course. Come to the NE part of Wyoming and find much more freedom than that. :)

I carry a gun everywhere, every day, and so far have had very little negative comment. Only one request to leave my gun in the car... a hair cut place... go figure. I just cut my own hair instead. No biggie. :)

Interestingly enough, for a while there was a "no guns" sign on the senior center and one dentist's office here. Both are gone now. Can't be just my lack of patronage there... but who knows?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
the idiots from CO had to congregate somewhere out of the state...eh Laramie lost!! :eek:



Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
The fun part of all that is the fact that Laramie is a very "liberal" place, and not nearly as gun friendly as most of the rest of the state... except Cheyenne and Casper now, of course. Come to the NE part of Wyoming and find much more freedom than that. :)

There's just an island of liberalism around the university (go figure) I find most of the rest of the city to be conservative; so much so that the city went over 50% for Trump.

Another little story} I was standing against the wall at the end of the checkout lanes at Walmart, open carrying as usual waiting on the wife to check out. A woman walks by and looked me over, then came over and asked "Are you law enforcement"? asked in a snotty tone/attitude which she maintained through out.

I said "No".
Her "But you're carrying a gun"?
Me "Yep".
Her "Do they issue a permit here for that"?
Me "As a Wyoming resident I don't need a permit".
Her "You don't need any kind of a permit to carry a gun"?
Me "Nope".
Her "We're from Illinois and that would never happen there".
Me "Welcome to Free America; enjoy your visit and make sure you go back to where you came from".

There were three Walmart employees (one an assistant manager) standing close by, all three started laughing, turned away and quickly started walking. She huffed and walked away.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Anthony Bouchard, executive director of Wyoming Gun Owners, was just elected to the state Senate, District 6, Cheyenne.

We need more pro-gun people running for office.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
There's just an island of liberalism around the university (go figure) I find most of the rest of the city to be conservative; so much so that the city went over 50% for Trump.

Another little story} I was standing against the wall at the end of the checkout lanes at Walmart, open carrying as usual waiting on the wife to check out. A woman walks by and looked me over, then came over and asked "Are you law enforcement"? asked in a snotty tone/attitude which she maintained through out.

I said "No".
Her "But you're carrying a gun"?
Me "Yep".
Her "Do they issue a permit here for that"?
Me "As a Wyoming resident I don't need a permit".
Her "You don't need any kind of a permit to carry a gun"?
Me "Nope".
Her "We're from Illinois and that would never happen there".
Me "Welcome to Free America; enjoy your visit and make sure you go back to where you came from".

There were three Walmart employees (one an assistant manager) standing close by, all three started laughing, turned away and quickly started walking. She huffed and walked away.

The freedom loving Illinoisians? all must come to Wisconsin to vacation. I've talked to quite a few while OC, even some from Chicago and they have all been inquisitive at least, if not polite. You don't need to be a resident of WI to open carry, merely 18 and not a felon. Not sure if that is a requirement in WY, or just the way I read it? I like your last line and may use it should I run into a similar situation.

Being an OTR truck driver, I have crisscrossed your fine state more than a few times. Quite unlike here! I will admit I'm not much of a fan of your winters. Generally, in and out at Lusk and Evanston, but also run thru W Yellowstone out of Twin Falls, ID. Winter is beautiful, just not when you can't see thru it!

I asked a guy once by Green River, "why would anyone want to live here?" Asked where I was from, Wisconsin. He said all the green hurt his eyes. To each his own!
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
Go to this website and check out the way states voted in past presidential elections...


THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like in 1964, Wyoming voted for Johnson!!! I'd be thinking about moving out!!! 😳

Wondering if you moved there, or were born there? I've had people tell me they can't stand the hemmed in feeling they get back east. I can understand that. You want to feel small and insignificant, take a drive from Casper to Rawlins on a cold dark night. Or, one of many other areas. I've crisscrossed most of Wyoming, usually trying to get around a snowstorm. Elk Mountain to be avoided at all costs in the winter!!! Never got far off the pavement tho, which is where they usually hide the good stuff.


Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
It looks like in 1964, Wyoming voted for Johnson!!! I'd be thinking about moving out!!! ��

Wondering if you moved there, or were born there? I've had people tell me they can't stand the hemmed in feeling they get back east. I can understand that. You want to feel small and insignificant, take a drive from Casper to Rawlins on a cold dark night. Or, one of many other areas. I've crisscrossed most of Wyoming, usually trying to get around a snowstorm. Elk Mountain to be avoided at all costs in the winter!!! Never got far off the pavement tho, which is where they usually hide the good stuff.

Moved here; wife has family that has been here forever, her brother's mother-in-law was born in a sod house a few miles north of Laramie; but I fit right in. Have had a couple guys at the rifle range ask how long my family had been in Wyoming and were surprised to learn I had just moved in. The open prairie is nice and has it's own beauty but being from the mid-west I like the mountains, just wish they had hardwoods instead of pines.

Went to a talk by a guy that wrote a book on the history I-80; seems the state tried to convince the feds to build the highway along route 30 which swings north through Medicine Bow due to winter conditions at Elk Mountain. But the feds being all knowing and all took the current route because it was something like 13 miles shorter and saved some money, declaring the highway would never be closed due to winter conditions.

Well; in his book is a picture of the highway department clearing snow the first winter, snow was 13 feet deep-on top of an overpass, the snow fence was developed in Wyoming in an attempt to keep I-80 open.

Oh, by the way, Elk Mountain is the northern end of a mountain range named THE SNOWY RANGE DUH wonder why the locals named it that? Last winter I-80 was closed from Cheyenne to Laramie more times than I can remember (winter wind gusts on top of Pole Mt can top 150 mph) and closed from Cheyenne to Utah 3 times for more than a week each.

The wife and I are retired so when things shut down due to snow we pull the blinds, put the air mattress in front of the fireplace and while away the time ;) I have an F350 dully, diesel 4X4 that I put 500-1,000 pounds of sand in the back with Goodrich KOII tires (Canadian rated for extreme snow) so not much can stop me around town if I want to get out and about.
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Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.

I've been in a few of those closings but never for more than a day. The Internet is great for truckers as you can get current weather, plus Wyoming has great cameras on I-80. I generally cut north at Rawlins as that was "passable" or at least open when I-80 was closed. Often I-80 would close back west even when dry roads because there would be no motels available in Rawlins for travelers. But trucks with sleepers don't stay there. I've seen trucks parked for 5 miles on the shoulder west of the truck stops by Rawlins, and ran up to Casper on dry roads already. I was going to Milwaukee of Minneapolis, wouldn't really work for Chicago or east.

The story I always heard was Mimi Eisenhower was up on Elk Mountain while the elk calves were being born and wanted travelers to be able to see that. I've run around it on 30 and 34 out to I-25. Been on lots of roads in Wyoming I probably shouldn't have been on cause they weren't closed but probably should have been!

Been across US 2 in Washington while Snoqualmie was closed a few times too. That is a trip!!!

Snow fence!!! Yeah, railroad ties and 2x10s. When people ask what those structures are and you say snow fence, nobody ever seems to believe that!
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Regular Member
Mar 22, 2012
The High Plains of Wyoming
Snow fence!!! Yeah, railroad ties and 2x10s. When people ask what those structures are and you say snow fence, nobody ever seems to believe that!

I usually tell the out of staters "they're grandstands for the buffalo races, dang ya just missed it"!

Then tell 'em the truth after enjoying the confused looks on their faces for a few seconds.

One of my "bad" habits is saying outrageous things when asked questions. I was on the top of The Grand Mesa east of Grand Junction CO doing some scouting for elk season. Ran into 2 guys and a gal fishing at one of the lakes, after talking a bit one guy asked if was carrying in case of bears, I said "Naw, I'm not worried about black bears, I mostly carry it for two legged snakes".

Ran into one of the guys working at U-Haul when I went to rent a trailer; he said the gal (all 3 had been at the beer cooler) actually believed there were snakes running around on the mountain on two legs, they led her on for a while before telling what I meant, said she was real pissed! :D

Actually as I remember I-80 in Wyoming was built in the late 60s early 70s, a bit late for Mimi to have much influence.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

Actually as I remember I-80 in Wyoming was built in the late 60s early 70s, a bit late for [strike]Mimi[/strike] Mamie to have much influence.

"Interstate 80 (I-80) is a transcontinental limited-access highway in the United States that runs from downtown San Francisco, California, to Teaneck, New Jersey, in the New York City Metropolitan Area. The highway was designated in 1956 as one of the original routes of the Interstate Highway System."
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I had just moved in. The open prairie is nice and has it's own beauty but being from the mid-west I like the mountains, just wish they had hardwoods instead of pines.

I turned a job down with Cheyenne PD back in 1980 not enough trees for a guy from the north woods.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
Don't know, wasn't there. Highway funded in 1956, part across Elk Mountain wasn't the first part finished. Possible she had some involvement, but that's the story you hear while stranded in a blizzard at 8000 feet as the only possible explanation why anyone would build a road through here. I could almost see our governmet do something like that on the whim of a President's wife's suggestion, you know, for the little people. Never believe anything you hear on the CB radio!

US 30 would have been much better route, in my opinion, although 13 miles longer probably save that much fuel not pulling the hills. Old truckers take 30 at the first sign of closing, the GPS following, steering wheel holders just wait for the road to open.


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Don't know, wasn't there. Highway funded in 1956, part across Elk Mountain wasn't the first part finished. Possible she had some involvement, but that's the story you hear while stranded in a blizzard at 8000 feet as the only possible explanation why anyone would build a road through here. I could almost see our governmet do something like that on the whim of a President's wife's suggestion, you know, for the little people. Never believe anything you hear on the CB radio!

US 30 would have been much better route, in my opinion, although 13 miles longer probably save that much fuel not pulling the hills. Old truckers take 30 at the first sign of closing, the GPS following, steering wheel holders just wait for the road to open.

I am sure planning, routing, and designing were all done LONG before anyone turned one shovel of earth for the project. The First Lady Eisenhower could have easily had an impact on this, but unless one has actual evidence we are merely speculating.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2014
Tomahawk and Abbotsford, Wi.
I am sure planning, routing, and designing were all done LONG before anyone turned one shovel of earth for the project. The First Lady Eisenhower could have easily had an impact on this, but unless one has actual evidence we are merely speculating.

Yes!!! Thanks for supporting my position!!

That's why I said things like "The story I always heard" and "Never believe anything you hear on the CB Radio".

Or, are you suggesting we no longer participate in speculation? Content just decreased significantly. That was, of course, speculation, my opinion, and probably racist.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
first and foremost, i would believe the expressway was, in an effort to mitigate expense, build on existing right-a-ways at the time & coupled on known 'passible' wagon/stagecoach/railroad/horseless carriage routes, mimimally laid out per se., over the existing famous overland trail.

speculating, hyperbole...no sorry joe ~ historical constructive feedback on the mountain named after Sioux Chief, Standing Elk.

the region was, from the mid 1900s quite well traveled by stage, migrants, etc. to include a recognized venue for top notch bigband entertainers. so the the prestigious visitors in the area lend truth to the folklore expressed in the thread.

now my next xcountry sojourn early next year will assure i do not skip the area at spearfish > belle fourche (212) across southern Montana.

thanks, the stuff i glean off OC forum.

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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Make sure you go to devils tower it is really neat.


