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Holmes County (Bonifay, on Georgia border) Sheriff John Tate offering free training to CCW permitees.


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan
A Florida sheriff is responding to mass shootings by offering advanced firearms training to concealed weapons permit holders. Holmes County Sheriff John Tate’s statement says he hopes a mass shooting doesn’t happen in his Florida Panhandle jurisdiction, but he wants permit holders to be prepared to be “a good guy with a gun.”


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Good on the Sherrif. Be better if he would,make the same offer to all gun owners in his county no just ones,with permission slips.

Armed citizens on the spot are the only way to minimize or stop these killings.
You can tell a dog it isn't allowed teeth but it'll grow them regardless.
You can tell it can't catch rabies , but it still can.
You can tell the rabid dog it isn't allowed to bite you.

But it will ignore all of that. The only way to stop it biting you and others is to kill it incapictate it.


Regular Member
Jul 1, 2008
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Good on the Sherrif. Be better if he would,make the same offer to all gun owners in his county no just ones,with permission slips.

Armed citizens on the spot are the only way to minimize or stop these killings.
You can tell a dog it isn't allowed teeth but it'll grow them regardless.
You can tell it can't catch rabies , but it still can.
You can tell the rabid dog it isn't allowed to bite you.

But it will ignore all of that. The only way to stop it biting you and others is to kill it incapictate it.
In Florida, AFAIK, the only way an armed citizen can be a "good guy with a gun" in a public place is to have a concealed carry permit, as Florida doesn't have Open Carry.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Of interest is the fact the good Sheriff didn’t wave the 25$ fee for his county’s citizens concealed certificate training or the administrative fees!

[please be aware that this kindly & mild mannered individual isn’t the least bit interested in “advanced” training as i have absolutely no intention of nor interest in going to seek out and engage a mall/walmart/ad nauseam active shooter w/big bad black long guns w/100 round mags!]

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The sheriff should issue a t-shirt that says "Good citizen with a gun" printed on it to every new CCL issued. It's a safety issue; we don't want the police to be shooting the wrong persons.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The sheriff should issue a t-shirt that says "Good citizen with a gun" printed on it to every new CCL issued. It's a safety issue; we don't want the police to be shooting the wrong persons.
...cops will not see anything but the "gun" part...until they review the video...if any exists...after the use of lethal force...of course...