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Alien Gear Holster Company attacks open carry


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
National Gun Forum one of the vendors attacks open carry. I tried to respond but my posts were deleted. I don't use their products but I certainly would not now, and advise others to find different vendors.


"There are a number of reasons why you should concealed carry as your prmary carry method. Essentially, it is the more responsible "

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
If they are so anti-open carry then why do they sell an open carry holster?




Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
If they are so anti-open carry then why do they sell an open carry holster?



The bulk of their business is conceal carry, and they have a clear disgust for OC by their article. Like some gun rights organizations they claim that only conceal carry is responsible. I didn't write the article, THEY did. Plust the Serpa style holsters are not considered OC holsters, they are sold by most companies as conceal carry OWB. No where do they advertise the holster as for open carry.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Concealed carry makes you look like a typical victim looking for a place to happen.

All of the attempts to show that criminals have relieved an OCer of his gun have proved false.

It might happen one day, but the odds will prove to be much more favorable to the OCer.


Regular Member
Oct 24, 2017
The bulk of their business is conceal carry, and they have a clear disgust for OC by their article. Like some gun rights organizations they claim that only conceal carry is responsible. I didn't write the article, THEY did. Plust the Serpa style holsters are not considered OC holsters, they are sold by most companies as conceal carry OWB. No where do they advertise the holster as for open carry.

Actually, although they are focused on CC they do make mention of OCing with their products, and offer level II retention:

We at Alien Gear Holsters pride ourselves in the integration of customizations into the Cloak Mod OWB holster. Our Five-Point Customization System provides each open carrier with a variety of carry options.. Continue reading at: http://aliengearholsters.com/alien-gear-cloak-mod-owb-holster-outside-the-waistband.html


Outside the waistband (OWB) holsters are the most popular open carry option for good reason: they're reliable, comfortable, adjustable and accessible. They can be carried openly or concealed within hand's reach. And when an interdisciplinary team of gun-owning craftsmen, engineers, product developers, machinists and manufacturers work together to create an OWB holster they believe in, the entire gun community benefits from bleeding edge innovation and technology. An Alien Gear OWB holster is made in America to promise a quality everyday carry method.. Continue reading at: http://aliengearholsters.com/owb-holsters.html

Even though it isn't their focus, seems silly to me to open themselves up to the shitstorm that usually follows this debate. I guess "the entire gun community" doesn't include those that choose to OC?


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Well then they do try to tap the OC market. Outside that they are STILL anit OC by their own article. They get no kudos from me, and I would never buy a holster from a company that disses my legal personal choices. That goes for any company, as far as I am concerned they can go procreate themselves.

They should learn that you don't poop where you do business. I do not expect my grocery store to mock my choice in food because they do not think peanuts are a proper food choice, they know better. Obvious they do not at Alien Gear.
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Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
A large percentage of holsters can be used for one or the other.

Some do the job better then others depending on carry method.

One of the biggest factors is what one choses to wear.

Today at 4 degrees above Zero I could carry and conceal a full size AR type pistol a full set of mags for it.

No one would be the wiser.

Or I guess I could hang it by a tactical sling and carry openly on the outside of my parka.

But if I am going to do that I would just carry a carbine or rifle.

Some give things more thought then necessary.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
I've visited the Alien Gear Holsters offices (Tedder Industries) in Post Falls, ID, a couple of times while OCing. Not once did I notice any negative responses to my OCing.

Alien Gear has a few different options for OCing, aside from the Cloak Mod. The new ShapeShift Modular Holster System offers both the OWB Paddle Holster & the OWN Belt Slide Holster in the starter kit. The IWB/Appendix Holster can also be OC. As part of the ShapeShift Modular Holster System, they now have the Drop Thigh Holster as well as the Molle Holster & the Backpack Holster.


Regular Member
Nov 23, 2017
Crust of Earth
An Alien Gear store front located within 3 miles of my home has had me within the store exactly 1 time in 3 yrs or so since they opened. Negative vibe from salesperson who didn't seem like he really wanted to sell anything to an OC'er. I won't be back although I do go past several times a week!


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2015
Kahlotus, WA
An Alien Gear store front located within 3 miles of my home has had me within the store exactly 1 time in 3 yrs or so since they opened. Negative vibe from salesperson who didn't seem like he really wanted to sell anything to an OC'er. I won't be back although I do go past several times a week!

The only Alien Gear store front I know of is Riverman Gun Works in Couer D'Alene, & they are rolling out slowing a new affiliate program for FFLs & other interested parties.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Nice necro; I maybe never noticed this thread the first time around. Good to read it now.

Too many people get caught up on the fantasy of grabbing someone's gun. It's happened, very rarely, but that's a risky move and serious danger to the grabber. They can easily lose the struggle or get shot or held off before it starts.

A more difficult danger to a carrier would be something like just getting hit on the head from behind with a blunt instrument, or even a knockout punch from the front if by complete surprise. I've seen knockout game videos with no hint of a strike coming, the attack launched mid-stride when already close proximity in a situation where people are naturally passing each other, like entering a bus or building. Then deterrent OC or super secret tactical surprise CC will not matter. Snoozing is snoozing. Be careful.

For a holster company to attack OC is incredibly stupid. Then again, maybe that's where the money is. People are herd animals and not as bright as we like to hope. Attacks (trends) and fake advice might attract some tacticool customers with loose pocketbooks. We've seen that sometimes fakes, Fudds, and tacticools can be people with real experience, even military or LE background. They can be good in one area (maybe) but have some short circuits in another area or the overall reasoning ability. They can be running gun stores or be part of the gun and shooting industry and still be fairly anti-2A.

Hoober says:

1. By keeping concealment, you make yourself less of an obvious target .
2. Criminals look for people to victimize that aren't aware or that they believe will be easy prey.

(Numbers are mine.)

So I would say, OK - please pick one. Is OC the obvious target, or is unarmed looking like easy prey? Or if they are both true, did you just disprove your own point?

If you CC to "make yourself less of an obvious target" then (if you CC well) you're going to look unarmed - that is, to look like easy prey. So you're still a likely enough target according to sacred tactical rules 1 and 2. The amazing element of surprise that Hoober expects may never happen if you (A) look like easy prey and (B) receive an effective surprise attack. Add one CC'd gun to the list of items stolen from prone body.

One more self-contradictory article.

Gilette anti-man shave? Check. Anti-OC company holster? Check. Tacticool surprise CC carry? Check. Fake made-up stuff including a camboy who doesn't carry and one bullet in your pocket if you disregard the tacticool advice and OC? Check. On board with any gun compromises and restrictions short of completely outlawing all guns and pointy things today? Check. Congrats, you're ready to join the tacticool Fudd club! :p


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Seeing this pop up again, I decided to revisit the links, including AlienGear's website, as well as the blog by Hoober.

So let's begin with Hoober: "Born in southeastern Washington State, Sam Hoober graduated in 2011 from Eastern Washington University. He resides in the great Inland Northwest, with his wife and child. His varied interests and hobbies include camping, fishing, hunting, and spending time at the gun range as often as possible."

I attended EWU. Began my masters there in 1992. I was about half way through when our unit was deactivated and our planes distributed to Minot and Barksdale. Many of us continued in B-52s. A number of us cross-trained to other aircraft.

EWU was a good school. Sharp instructors. I can only assume Hoober received a decent education. Based on the comments in his blog, however, his powers of reasoning are flawed. Given the fact he graduated only recently, in 2011, I'll chalk that up to a lack of opportunity to hone those skills over a lifetime, combined with his lack of lifetime learning and experience.

He does admit, "That said, it is up to you to determine which method you prefer."

However, he makes the typical mistakes of the pro-CC crowd, including the following:
1. CC makes you less of an obvious target -- fails to consider the deterrent value of OC
2. CC gives you the element of surprise -- valid only if you're on the offensive
3. CC is an insurance policy against the worst possibilities -- fails to acknowledge that OC is, too, and is actually a deterrent whereas CC is not
4. CC is discrete -- No, it's hidden. Quite different than merely discrete.
5. Assumes criminals are out to waylay OCers. Wrong. As criminals have admitted (poll of prisoners), they tend to avoid potential adversaries who're armed.

While he's right that OC does concern and even scare some people, he makes it out to be worse than it is, especially for someone who lives in OC-friendly Eastern Washington i.e. "The Inland Empire," which, by the way, is its proper title, not "the great inland northwest," although they may be calling it that these days. We didn't back when I lived there, around the time he was in diapers.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Since9, nice of you to engage in character assassination of the author verses a discussion of Alien’s anti-OC Mentality. [ya know if your organizational bosses want OC minimized cuz their product line is mainly CC oriented and you like feeding & housing your family ya do whatcha gotta do!]

Sorry, everyone missed some interesting anomalies in these articles...

First, WW’s forum post & national gun forum blurb are dated December 17.

Runninngunings forum post is dated Dec 17, YET his alien cite is dated Apr 18? [wonder if the DeLorean was used?]

Further, on alien’s blog, dated Oct 18 Mr. Hoober discusses ‘states which allow OC’ http://aliengearholsters.com/blog/open-carry-states/ [however there is a comment attached to the article dated April 18???] the article didn’t seemed to flow right to me as it presented as disjointed !

The Alien marketing mgmt seems to be pushing really hard on the CC consumer side for some reason.

HP995 said it best, “just another self-contradictory article.”

PS: Sam Hoober is a contributing editor at Alien Gear Holsters and Bigfoot GunBelts. He also contributes regularly to Ammoland, Daily Caller and USA Carry.
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