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Best Self Defense Ammo?


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
there are some advocates who claim higher weight leads to increased recoil...

there are some advocates who claim lower weights reach velocity for better trajectory...

these stated...guess which ever hollow point cartridge weight gives you a 'feeling' of better accuracy w/less recoil so you feel comfortable using it to defend you and your loved ones lives...guess works.

better question might be which hollow point cartridge is readily available on the market for your SD handgun...

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Having studied tested, carried may types, calibers and bullets.

Having shot many of dozens of car hit deer with a lot of them.

Any of the modern jacketed hollow points well do a good job. On human sized targets. I prefer ones that give over 14 inches of penetration in 10 percent ballistic gel

For self-defense from larger critters mainly bears, that one might have to worry about. Having shot bears with several different handguns while hunting and working.

I prefer a heaver for caliber bullet that give a minimum depth of penetration' in 10 percent ballistics gel of 16 inches or more.

One is not handicapped if the penetration is far greater. My 315gr Hard lead WFN driven at 1300 fps from a 6 inch 44 mag. Taurus traveled in the chest out the rear hind quarter of a 250lb black bear.

Approximately 4 feet of penetration.

Had no trouble shooting a 386lb bear head on into the brain cavity ending some where it its body or out of it at about 10 feet.

Saw a 586lb bear shot side to side with a 240gr 44mag factory JSP out of a 6 inch S@W model 29 result one dead bear. That bear was shot very close under 5 feet.

Shot a 250lb bear side to side with the .430dia 315gr WFN at 950 fps one dead bear about 20 feet.

Had no trouble driving 210gr hard cast .410dia hard LSWC through the heads of several black bears.

I could continue by I think you get the drift.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
The answer to that is the same as the answer to "the best pistol", or "the best caliber". The answer is: the one that you feel comfortable always carrying, can practice with regularly, and always hit your target.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
The answer to that is the same as the answer to "the best pistol", or "the best caliber". The answer is: the one that you feel comfortable always carrying, can practice with regularly, and always hit your target.

Very true. Also true that the best SD ammo is whatever you have close at hand.