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Send a message to bidens ATF


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2017
Planet Earth
Are any of you concerned that, by submitting comments, you may be exposing your information to untrustworthy and unsafe people and organizations? Who is to say that the information you provide won't be used against you at some future time?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Are any of you concerned that, by submitting comments, you may be exposing your information to untrustworthy and unsafe people and organizations? Who is to say that the information you provide won't be used against you at some future time?
What you submit is public record. If you are going to not function - defend your rights - in society then you have no freedom. I've been attacked many times when challenging my local politicians. Attacked by their friends. The more the merrier.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Are any of you concerned that, by submitting comments, you may be exposing your information to untrustworthy and unsafe people and organizations? Who is to say that the information you provide won't be used against you at some future time?
H3ll CJ...I've already submitted and exposed "my information" here for for those members of NSA/CIA/MI6/Mossad/SAVAK/KGB/ad nauseam as well as those new strange alphabetical named lurking phantom members to digest ~ so?

'Sides just ask dougie...he already uses that information against me ALL the time for goodness sakes along w/his throwing childish nonsensical ~ but emotionally charged intellectually inspired retorts


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Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Sorry...specificity counts regarding questions as the subject matter at hand is quite broad...

so which part of the changes bothers you the most?

a thought occurred to me just now...do you understand the overall intent for the proposed ATF change?
All of it. Nope, I don't understand the overall intent for the proposed change. Which is the EXACT reason why I asked in the first place.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
All of it. Nope, I don't understand the overall intent for the proposed change. Which is the EXACT reason why I asked in the first place.
1. ATF quote:
Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms. The goal of the proposed rule is to ensure the proper marking, recordkeeping, and traceability of all firearms manufactured, imported, acquired and disposed by federal firearms licensees. unquote.

2. Wiki quote:
A ghost gun is a term for a (typically) homemade firearm that lacks commercial serial numbers. The term is used mostly in the United States by gun control advocates, gun rights advocates, law enforcement, and some in the firearm industry.

Because home-manufacture of firearms for personal use is not considered to fall under the federal government’s authority to regulate interstate (as opposed to intrastate) commerce, individuals making their own firearms are not subject to federal or state commercial background check regulations. Persons otherwise prohibited from owning firearms are still legally barred from the manufacture, transfer, or possession of firearms or ammunition, regardless of the method of manufacture or acquisition. unquote.

3. Biden and ghost guns
[*please read entire newspeek article for further background*]

4. CoL's postings in this thread regarding the legality of the entire concept of instituting statutory mandates w/o congressional oversight!

that provides the overall intent of the ATF's slight of hand...DO BIDEN'S WILL - period!


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
All of it. Nope, I don't understand the overall intent for the proposed change. Which is the EXACT reason why I asked in the first place.
put your nickers back in your pants...not to quibble here and as shown...you didn't ask a specific question regarding the INTENT of the proposed changes, as you posted "Why don't we approve of it?"


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
put your nickers back in your pants...not to quibble here and as shown...you didn't ask a specific question regarding the INTENT of the proposed changes, as you posted "Why don't we approve of it?"
thought you were smart enough to figure it out being as how this is a niche website dedicated to specific people for a specific purpose. my fault you didn't understand, i'll do better next time your majesty.


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
1. ATF quote:
Definition of “Frame or Receiver” and Identification of Firearms. The goal of the proposed rule is to ensure the proper marking, recordkeeping, and traceability of all firearms manufactured, imported, acquired and disposed by federal firearms licensees. unquote.

2. Wiki quote:
A ghost gun is a term for a (typically) homemade firearm that lacks commercial serial numbers. The term is used mostly in the United States by gun control advocates, gun rights advocates, law enforcement, and some in the firearm industry.

Because home-manufacture of firearms for personal use is not considered to fall under the federal government’s authority to regulate interstate (as opposed to intrastate) commerce, individuals making their own firearms are not subject to federal or state commercial background check regulations. Persons otherwise prohibited from owning firearms are still legally barred from the manufacture, transfer, or possession of firearms or ammunition, regardless of the method of manufacture or acquisition. unquote.

3. Biden and ghost guns
[*please read entire newspeek article for further background*]

4. CoL's postings in this thread regarding the legality of the entire concept of instituting statutory mandates w/o congressional oversight!

that provides the overall intent of the ATF's slight of hand...DO BIDEN'S WILL - period!
You've provided me with nothing. I must now read all of this beyond the links and figure it out on my own. I don't have time for that. If you willingly cannot help me understand, then what is the purpose of posting it? That's like me posting something from my preferred ideal of choice, being vague about it, and then razzing you for not understanding it when I was the one that didn't clearly interpret the uninterpretable to you.

Great job buddy, thanks for the....nothing!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
You've provided me with nothing. I must now read all of this beyond the links and figure it out on my own. I don't have time for that. If you willingly cannot help me understand, then what is the purpose of posting it? That's like me posting something from my preferred ideal of choice, being vague about it, and then razzing you for not understanding it when I was the one that didn't clearly interpret the uninterpretable to you.

Great job buddy, thanks for the....nothing!
We are not your frigging servants. You are clearly a lazy person; no time to read it, but expect others to service your needs. You are a parasite. This forum does not exist to service parasites.

Have a nice day.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
I must now read all of this beyond the links and figure it out on my own. I don't have time for that. "Immediate gratification" does not always work. Sometimes you must actually read and learn rather than be led (like sheep)

If you willingly cannot help me understand, then what is the purpose of posting it? For the edification of the membership.

Great job buddy, thanks for the....nothing!